Do I need a referral?
No, as a primary health service you can see your chiropractor without seeing your doctor for a referral. In some cases your GP may refer you for Chiropractic if you see them and you have back pain.
Can I use my private health card?
Yes, if your private health provider covers chiropractic we have HICAPS facilities for instant claims. We can also process Medicare Plans, Motor Vehicle Claims, Workers Compensation and DVA if you provide a GP Care Plan, claim number or DVA Gold/White card.
Will I need X-rays?
Generally speaking no, unless there is a specific reason you cannot be treated without one. We try to avoid x-rays as current evidence shows they are often overused in the chiropractic profession.
How many sessions will I need?
On your first visit the Chiropractor will diagnose and asses your condition and give you a recommended treatment plan. Every person is different and there is no blanket treatment plan for everyone.
Do we treat kids?
We do. The best thing about treating kids is they get better much faster.
I’m older, can I still get treated?
Absolutely. Often your treatment will be more gentle.